Docteur Catherine Vidal, Md PhD

• Ancien interne des hôpitaux de Paris.
• Directeur de recherche CNRS.
• Titres académiques : thèse en Médecine et thèse en Neurosciences.
Les travaux fondamentaux sont basées sur la recherche des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la récupération fonctionnelle après lésion. Nous travaillons sur quatre modèles :
- Les vertiges : le système vestibulaire est responsable chez l’homme en cas de dysfonctionnement, de vertiges rotatoires, d’instabilités, et de diplopie. Nous travaillons sur les mécanismes mis en jeu dans la plasticité post-lésionnelle. Quels sont les facteurs qui permettent au patient de retrouver un équilibre et une stabilité visuelles normales.
- La surdité et les acouphènes.
- L’équilibre postural chez les patients seniors (longévité) et chez les patients vestibulaires.
- La paralysie faciale et la régénérescence axonale

Publications dans des revues internationales 2002-2022
42 - Rabbath G., Vassias I., Vidal P.P., de Waele C. (2002) GluR2 and GluR3 AMPA subunit modulation in rat vestibular nuclei after unilateral labyrinthectomy: an in situ and immunohistochemical study. Neuroscience, 111: 189-206.
43 - Patko T., Vassias I., Vidal P.P., de Waele C. (2002) Modulation of the voltage-gate sodium and calcium-dependent potassium channels in vestibular and facial nuclei after unilateral labyrinthectomy and facial nerve transsection: an in situ hybridization study. Neuroscience, 117: 265-280.
44 - de Waele C., Meguenni R., Zamith F., Bellalimat N., Vidal P.P., Tran Ba Huy P. (2002) Intratympanic gentamicin injections in Meniere’s disease: vestibular hair cell impairement and regeneration.Neurology 59: 1442-1444.
45 - Patko T., Vidal P.P., Tran Ba Huy P., de Waele C. (2003) VEMPs induced by high level clicks and short tone burst in acoustic neurinomas: a study in 170 patients.Clin Neurophysiol, 14 (7):1344-1350.
46 - Eleore L., Vassias I., Vidal P.P., de Waele C.(2003) An in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence study of glycinergic receptors and gephyrin in the vestibular nuclei of the intact and unilaterally labyrinthectomized ratExp Brain Res, 154:333-344.
47 - Vassias I., Patko T., Vidal P.P., de Waele C. ( 2003) )Modulation of the beta1-3 voltage-gated sodium channels in rat vestibular and facial nuclei after unilateral labyrinthectomy and facial nerve section: an insitu hybridization study. Mol Brain Res, 120: 73-78.
48 - Eleore L., Vassias I, Vidal P.P., de Waele C. (2004) An in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence study of glycinergic receptors and gephyrin in the vestibular nuclei of the intact and unilaterally labyrinthectomized rat.Exp Brain Res, 154: 333-344.
49 - Mbongo F., Patko T., Vibert N., Tran Ba Huy P., Vidal P.P., de Waele C. (2005) Postural control in patients with unilateral vestibular lesions is more impaired in the frontal than in the sagittal plane: a static and dynamic posturography studyAudiol Neurootol, 10: 291-302.
50 - Eleore L., Vassias I., Vidal P.P., de Waele C.(2005) An in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence study of GABAA and GABAB receptors in the vestibular nuclei of the intact and unilaterally labyrinthectomized rat. Exp Brain Res, 160: 166-179.
51 - Eleore L., Vassias I., Vidal P.P, Triller A., de Waele C. (2005) Modulation of glycine receptor subunits and gephyrin expression in the rat facial nucleus after axotomy.Eur J Neurosci, 21: 669-678.
52 - Campos Torres A., Touret M., Vidal P.P., Branum S., de Waele C. (2005) The differential response of astrocytes within the vestibular and cochlear nuclei following unilateral labyrinthectomy or vestibular afferent activity blockade by transtympanic tetrodotoxin injection in the ratNeurocience, 130: 853-865.
53 - Eleore L., Vassias I., Vidal P.P., de Waele C. (2005) Modulation of the glutamatergic receptors and of the glutamate vesicular transporter 2 in the rat facial nucleus after axotomyNeuroscience, 136: 147-160.
54 - Miyamoto T., Fukushima K., Takada T., de Waele C., Vidal P.P. (2005) Saccular Projections in the Human Cerebral Cortex.Ann NY Acad, 1039: 124-131.
55 - Vassias I., Lecolle S., Vidal P.P., Triller A., de Waele C. (2005) Modulation of GABA receptor subunits in facial motoneurons after axotomy.Mol Brain Res, 135: 260-275.
56 - Argence M., Saez M., Sassu R., Vassias I., Vidal P.P., de Waele C.(2006) Modulation of inhibitory and excitatory synaptic transmission in rat inferior colliculus after unilateral cochleectomy: An in situ and immunofluorescence study.Neuroscience, 141: 1193-1207.
57 - Lepecq J.C., de Waele C., Mertz-Josse S., Teyssedre C., Tran Ba Huy P., Baudonnière P.M., Vidal P.P. (2006)Galvanic vestibular stimulation modifies vection paths in healthy subjects.J Neurophysiol, 95: 3199-3207.
58 - Eleore L, Ardehali MR, Vassias I, Vidal PP, de Waele C. (2007) Amino acid transporter (VIAAT, VGLUT2) and chloride cotransporter (KCC1, KCC2 and NKCC1) expression in the vestibular nuclei of intact and labyrinthectomized rat.Exp Brain Res, 182(4): 449-58.
59 - Miyamoto T, Fukushima K, Takada T, de Waele C, Vidal PP. (2007) Saccular stimulation of the human cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.Neurosci Lett, 423(1): 68-72.
60 - Dumas G, de Waele C, Hamann KF, Cohen B, Negrevergne M, Ulmer E, Schmerber S. (2007) Le test vibratoire osseux vestibulaire. [Skull vibration induced nystagmus test].Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervico-Fac, 124(4): 173-83.
61 - Mbongo F, Tran Huy P, Vidal PP, de Waele C. (2007)Relationship between dynamic balance and self-reported handicap in patients who have unilateral peripheral vestibular loss.Otol Neurotol, 28(7): 905-910.
62 - Szatanik M, Vibert N, Vassias I, Guénet JL, Eugène D, de Waele C, Jaubert J. (2008) Behavioral effects of a deletion in Kcnn2, the gene encoding the SK2 subunit of small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels.Neurogenetics, 9(4): 237-248.
63 - Argence M, Vassias I, Kerhuel L, Vidal PP, de Waele C. (2008) Stimulation by cochlear implant in unilaterally deaf rats reverses the decrease of inhibitory transmission in the inferior colliculus.Eur J Neurosci, 28(8): 1589-1602.
64 - Mbongo F, Qu'hen C, Vidal PP, Tran Ba Huy P, de Waele C. (2008) Role of Vestibular Input in Triggering and Modulating Postural Responses in Unilateral and Bilateral Vestibular Loss Patients.Audiol Neurootol, 14(2): 130-138.
65 - Beraneck M, Uno A, Vassias I, Idoux E, de Waele C, Vidal PP, Vibert N. (2009) Evidence against a role of gap junctions in vestibular compensation.Neurosci Lett, 450(2): 97-101.
66 - Zheng Y, Vagal S, Zhu X-x, de Waele C, Smith PF, Wang G, Zhang M, Darlington CL. (2010)The effects of the Chinese herbal medicine EMF01 on Salicylate-induced tinnitus in rats. J Ethnopharmacol, 128(2): 545-548.
67 - Chiarovano E, Zamith F, Vidal PP, de Waele C. (2011) Ocular and cervical VEMPs: A study of 74 patients suffering from peripheral vestibular disorders. Clin Neurophysiol, 122(8): 1650-1659.
68 - Zheng Y, Hamilton E, Stiles L, McNamara E, de Waele C, Smith PF, Darlington CL. (2011)Acoustic trauma that can cause tinnitus impairs impulsive control but not performance accuracy in the 5 choice serial reaction time task in rats.Neuroscience, 180: 75-84.
69 - Vailleau B, Qu'hen C, Vidal PP, de Waele C. (2011) Probing residual vestibular function with galvanic stimulation in vestibular loss patients.Otol Neurotol, 32(5): 863-871.
70 - Kingma H, Gauchard GC, de Waele C, van Nechel C, Bisdorff A, Yelnik A, Magnusson M, Perrin PP. (2011) Stocktaking on the development of posturography for clinical use.J Vestib Res, 21(3): 117-125.
71 - Tran H, de Waele C, Beraneck M, Vassias I, Gioanni H, Tran Ba Huy P, Herman P, Vidal PP, Kania R. (2012) Auditory outcomes after implantation and electrical stimulation of the lateral ampullar nerve in Guinea Pig. Ear Hear, 33(1): 118-123.
72 - Makoukji J, Belle M, Meffre D, Stassart R, Grenier J, Shackleford G, Fledrich R, Fonte C, Branchu J, Goulard M, de Waele C, Charbonnier F, Sereda MW, Baulieu EE, Schumacher M, Bernard S, Massaad C. (2012) Lithium enhances remyelination of peripheral nerves. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Mar 6;109(10):3973-3978
73 Chiarovano E, Darlington C, Vidal PP, Lamas G, de Waele C. (2014) The role of cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in the assessment of patients with vestibular schwannomas. PLoS One. Aug 19;9(8):e105026. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105026.
74 Chiarovano E, de Waele C, MacDougall HG, Rogers SJ, Burgess AM, Curthoys IS. (2015)Maintaining Balance when Looking at a Virtual Reality Three-Dimensional Display of a Field of Moving Dot or at a Virtual Reality Scene.Front Neurol. Jul 27;6:164.
75 Shen Q, Magnani C, Sterkers 0, Lamas G, Vidal PP, Sadoun J, Curthoys IS, de Waele C (2016) Saccadic velocity in the new suppression head impulse test (SHIMP): a new indicator of horizontal vestibular canal paresis and of vestibular compensation. Front Neurol. Sep 23;7:160.
76 Laporte S, Wang D, Lecompte J, Blancho S, Sandoz B, Feydy A, Lindberg P, Adrian J, Chiarovano E,de Waele C, Vidal PP. (2016)An Attempt of Early Detection of Poor Outcome after Whiplash. Front Neurol. Oct 20;7:177.
77. Herbin M, Simonis C, Revéret L, Hackert R, Libourel PA, Eugène D, Diaz J,de Waele C, Vidal PP. PLoS One. Dopamine Modulates Motor Control in a Specific Plane Related to Support. (2016) Absence of Rotation Perception during Warm Water Caloric Irrigation in Some Seniors with Postural Instability. May 4;11(5):e0155058. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155058.
78. Barrois R, Oudre L, Moreau T, Truong Ch, Vayatis N, Buffat S, Yelnik A,de Waele C, Gregory T, Laporte S, Vidal PP, Ricard D. (2016)Quantify osteoarthritis gait at the doctor's office: a simple pelvis accelerometer based method independent from footwear and aging.
79.Barrois R, Gregory T,Oudre L, Moreau T, Truong C, Aram Pulini A, Vienne A, Labourdette C, Vayatis N, Buffat S, Yelnik A, Waele C, Laporte S, Vidal PP, Ricard D. (2016) An Automated Recording Method in Clinical Consultation to Rate the Limp in LowerLimb Osteoarthritis.PLoS One. Oct 24;11(10):e0164975. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164975. eCollection 2016.PMID:27776168
80. Chiarovano E, Wang W, Rogers SJ, MacDougall HG, Curthoys IS,de Waele C. (2017) Balance in Virtual Reality: Effect of Age and Bilateral Vestibular Loss.Front Neurol. Jan 20;8:5. doi: 10.3389/fneur.00005.
81. Curthoys IS, MacDougall HG, Vidal PP,de Waele C (2017) Sustained and Transient Vestibular Systems: A Physiological Basis for Interpreting Vestibular Function. Front Neurol. 2017 Mar 30;8:117. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00117. eCollection.
82. de Waele C, Shen.Q, Magnani C, Curthoys IS (2017) A novel saccadic strategy revealed by suppression head impulse testing in patients with bilateral vestibular loss Front Neurol Aug 18;8:419.doi10.3389/fneur.2017.00419. eCollection 2017.PMID:28868046
83. Le Goic M, Wang D,Vidal C, Chiarovano E, Lecompte J, Laporte S, Duysens J, Vidal PP. (2018)
An Initial Passive Phase That Limits the Time to Recover and Emphasizes the Role of Proprioceptive Information.Front Neurol. 2018 Nov 22;9:986. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00986. eCollection 2018.PMID:30524363
84. Lamas G,Vidal C, Hervochon R (2020)Vertiges et otoneurologie Rev Prat. 2020 Dec;70(10):e343-e348.PMID:33739669French.
85.Vidal PP,Vienne‐jumeau A,Moreau A, Vidal C,Danping Wanget al.(2020) An opinion paper on the maintenance of robustness: Towards a multimodal and intergenerational approach using digital twins Aging medicine, 3 (3), pp.188-194 Jul 13;3(3):188-194.doi 10.1002/agm2.12115.
86.Oussou G, Magnani C, Bargiotas I, Lamas G, Tankere F,Vidal C. (2022)
A New Sensitive Test Using Virtual Reality and Foam to Probe Postural Control inVestibularPatients: The Unilateral Schwannoma Model.Front Neurol. May 25;13:891232. doi:10.3389/fneur.2022.891232. eCollection 2022.PMID:35693011
87. Er Rouassi H,Benichou L,Lyoussi B, Vidal C. ( 2022) Efficacy of LED Photobiomodulation for Functional and Axonal Regeneration After Facial Nerve Section-Suture Front. Neurol., 23 February 2022doi:10.3389/fneur.2022.827218
88. Bargiotas I, Wang D, Mantilla J, Quijoux F, Moreau A, Vidal C, Barrois R, Nicolai A, Audiffren J, Labourdette C, Bertin-Hugaul F, Oudre L, Buffat S, Yelnik A, Ricard D,Vayatis N, Vidal PP. (2023) Preventing falls: the use of machine learning for the prediction of future falls in individuals without history of fall. Neurol. 2023 Feb;270(2):618-631. doi: 10.1007/s00415-022-11251-3. Epub 2022 Jul 11.PMID:35817988
89. Er-Rouassi H, Bakour M, Touzani S, Vilas-Boas M, Falcão S, Vidal C, Lyoussi B. Beneficial Effect of Bee Venom and Its Major Components on Facial Nerve Injury Induced in Mice. Biomolecules. 2023 Apr 17;13(4):680. doi: 10.3390/biom13040680.PMID:37189427