Doctor Catherine Vidal, M.D./Ph.D.

• Former resident for Paris hospitals
• CNRS research director (National Centre for Scientific Research)
• Academic qualifications: doctorate in medicine and doctorate in neuroscience
The fundamental work is based on the search for molecular mechanisms involved in functional recovery after injury. We are working on three models:
• Deafness and tinnitus
• Vestibular compensation after unilateral labyrinthectomy inducing postural dynamic and static deficiencies (balance disorders) and oculomotor deficiencies (reduced vestibluoocular reflex gain) and perceptual deficiencies (dizziness, deviation in subjective vertical perception)
• Facial paralysis and axonal regeneration after peripheral injury to the facial nerve

Main publications
Chioravano E, Zamith F, Vidal PP, Vidal C Ocular and cervical VEMPs: a study of 74 patients suffering from peripheral vestibular disorders Clinical Neurophysiology sous presse
Vidal C, Smith PF, Wang G, Zhang M, Darlington CL The effects of the Chinese herbal medicine EMF01 on salicylate-induced tinnitus in rats. Zheng Y, Vagal S, Zhu XX,.J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Mar 24;128(2):545-8.
Vidal PP, Mbongo F, Huy PT, Vidal C. From animal research to the bed side: detection of unilateral vestibular lesions in patients complaining of unsteadiness. J Vestib Res. 2009 Jan;19(5-6):147-57.
Beraneck M, Uno A, Vassias I, Idoux E, Vidal C, Vidal PP, Vibert N. Evidence against a role of gap junctions in vestibular compensation. Neurosci Lett. 2009 Jan 30;450(2):97-101.
Argence M, Vassias I, Kerhuel L, Vidal PP, Vidal C. Stimulation by cochlear implant in unilaterally deaf rats reverses the decrease of inhibitory transmission in the inferior colliculus.Eur J Neurosci. 2008 Oct;28(8):1589-602
Role of vestibular input in triggering and modulating postural responses in unilateral and bilateral vestibular loss patients.Mbongo F, Qu'hen C, Vidal PP, Tran Ba Huy P, Vidal C. Audiol Neurootol. 2009;14(2):130-8. Epub 2008 Oct 14.
Szatanik M, Vibert N, Vassias I, Guénet JL, Eugène D, Vidal C, Jaubert J. Behavioral effects of a deletion in Kcnn2, the gene encoding the SK2 subunit of small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels. Neurogenetics. 2008 Oct;9(4):237-48. Epub 2008 Jul 5.PMID: 18604572 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations
Mbongo F, Tran Ba Huy P, Vidal PP, Vidal C. Relationship between dynamic balance and self-reported handicap in patients who have unilateral peripheral vestibular loss. Otol Neurotol. 2007 Oct;28(7):905-10.
Dumas G, Vidal C, Hamann KF, Cohen B, Negrevergne M, Ulmer E, Schmerber S. [Skull vibration induced nystagmus test] Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac. 2007 Sep;124(4):173-83.
Miyamoto T, Fukushima K, Takada T, Vidal C, Vidal PP. Saccular stimulation of the human cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Lett. 2007 Aug 9;423(1):68-72
Eleore L, Ardehali MR, Vassias I, Vidal PP, Vidal C. Amino acid transporter (VIAAT, VGLUT2) and chloride cotransporter (KCC1, KCC2 and NKCC1) expression in the vestibular nuclei of intact and labyrinthectomized rat. Exp Brain Res. 2007 Oct;182(4):449-58. National Institutes of Health
Mbongo F, Patko T, Vidal PP, Vibert N, Tran Ba Huy P, Vidal C. Postural control in patients with unilateral vestibular lesions is more impaired in the roll than in the pitch plane: a static and dynamic posturography study.Audiol Neurootol. 2005 Sep-Oct;10(5):291-302.
Chiarovano E, de Waele C, MacDougall HG, Rogers SJ, Burgess AM and Curthoys IS (2015) Maintaining balance when looking at a virtual reality three-dimensional display of a field of moving dots or at a virtual reality scene. Front. Neurol. 6:164. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00164
and the paper can be found online at